How Many Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) Movies Are There

1. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (Film, 2013) -

  • Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013). Komedie / Drama | 85 minuten. + Mijn Updates · + Mijn Films ...

  • Komedie / Drama film geregisseerd door Stuart Simpson. Met Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri en Aston Elliot.

2. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) - Letterboxd

  • A black comedy/drama about a lonely ice-cream van driver, Warren Thompson, and his unhealthy obsession with television soap starlet, Katey George.

3. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) - The Movie Database

  • A black comedy/drama about a lonely ice-cream van driver, Warren Thompson, and his unhealthy obsession with television soap starlet, Katey George.

4. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Pitifully boring low-budget film about a lonely man who envisions his favorite actress visiting his ice cream truck and accepting a date with this loser.

  • The lonely driver of an ice cream truck becomes obsessed with a soap opera starlet.

5. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) - flickfeast

6. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) - The Screen Guide

  • Awkward ice cream van driver Warren Thompson's only respite from his drab existence comes in the form of gorgeous soapie star Katie George.

  • Awkward ice cream van driver Warren Thompson's only respite from his drab existence comes in the form of gorgeous soapie star Katie George. Besotted with the young actress, Warren can't help but imagine what life would be like with Katie at his side. After suffering another in a long line of savage beatings from local thugs, Warren's fragile psyche cracks under the strain, and his infatuation with Katie turns into psychotic obsession. As the lines between reality and fiction blur, Warren's quest to make Katie his will have catastrophic implications for all who populate his simple world.

7. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) | MONDO EXPLOITO

  • 25 nov 2013 · Warren's simple existence is interrupted when he accidentally crushes his cat to death backing over it in his ice-cream van.

  • It’s easy to rag on the state of modern Australian cinema. Most government funded films are dull and lifeless, hellbent on representing the “rugged beauty” of Australia, or trudging over drab social issues in a less than genuine manner. Thank fuck it’s not all bad news with people like Stuart Simpson kicking about. My first experience with Simpson’s work was 2006’s The Demonsamongus – an interesting film full of promise. I’ve been lucky enough to see a few of his short films at film festivals, and they’re always a blast. At this point in time, he is best known for El monstro del mar! (2010), but I get the feeling that might change with the appearance of Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla – easily his most accomplished work to date.

8. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla - LOST ART

  • Synopsis: Warren is a lonely ice-cream van driver. Selling ice-cream in Melbourne's roughest neighborhood isn't an easy job. Surrounded by unsavory characters ...


9. Tubi Tuesday: Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) - Morbidly Beautiful

  • 7 apr 2020 · This week's Tubi Tuesday pick, Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla, certainly qualifies as a perfect example of a “male rage” movie. The film is more ...

  • This hidden gem from 'down under' is an intense character study which illustrates the ill effects of loneliness and bullying on a fragile psyche.

10. Media - Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (Film, 2013) - MovieMeter

  • Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl ... Of je jouw content nou graag op televisie, in de bioscoop of via een streamingsdienst bekijkt, bij MovieMeter navigeer ...

  • Komedie / Drama film geregisseerd door Stuart Simpson. Met Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri en Aston Elliot.

11. CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY VANILLA (2013) | Horror Cult Films

  • 10 nov 2014 · CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY VANILLA (2013) ... I adore B-movies and exploitation films in many of their guises and also have a soft spot for creature ...

  • CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY VANILLA (2013) Directed by Stuart Simpson [vimeo][/vimeo] Warren Thompson is an ice-cream man. He’s single, has no children, has never had a proper relationship and has a limp. To say life is shit [...]

12. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla ( 2013) 720p - Internet Archive

  • 17 nov 2014 · Topics: Movie ; Item Size: 2.3G ; Addeddate: 2014-11-17 17:03:10 ; Identifier: ChocolateStrawberryVanilla2013720p ; Scanner: Internet Archive HTML5 ...

  • Chocolate


  • 9 nov 2013 · Stars: Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri, Michelle Myers, Kristen Condon, Aston Elliott, Louise Bremner and Elise Guy. Writer: Addison Heath.

  • Stars: Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri, Michelle Myers, Kristen Condon, Aston Elliott, Louise Bremner a...

14. 'Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla' is One of History's Most Engaging Films ...

  • 26 jun 2016 · Written by: Matt Molgaard Directed by: Stuart Simpson Cast: Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri, Aston Elliot A heartbreaking tale of infinite ...

  • Written by: Matt Molgaard Directed by: Stuart Simpson Cast: Glenn Maynard, Kyrie Capri, Aston Elliot A heartbreaking tale of infinite loneliness and morbid obsession, Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla i…

15. 2023 Movie Reviews Project Wrap-Up - Jonny Numb

  • 7 jan 2024 · In any case, I will be leveling several ... Enjoy! August: Cannibal Campout (1988). Captives (1988). Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2014).

  • Thoughts and prayers for the 2023 Movie Reviews Project, plus a list of what I watched from August through December!

16. Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2014) Blu-ray - Terror Vision

  • Bevat niet: (2013) | Resultaten tonen met:(2013)

  • This limited edition slipcover is designed by Earl Kessler Jr. and is limited to 2,000 units. Awkward, lonely ice cream truck driver Warren Thompson (Glenn Maynard) has two major problems: an unhealthy obsession with a soap opera actress, and a gang of bullies who like to savagely beat him on a reg

How Many Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla (2013) Movies Are There


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.